●These results highlight limitations when using single-channel MMG features for the assessment of motor unit control strategies, due to a substantial effect of position on the relation between force and MMG characteristics.
●accelerometers:ADXL202JE, Analog Devices Inc., Norwood, MA, USA
●motor units (MUs):motor unit運動單位指的是單一運動神經元 (motor neuron) 以及其所支配的肌肉纖維 (muscle fibers) 所構成;而運動神經元 (大多數為Alpha-運動神經元) 所支配的肌肉纖維數量從5 (存在某些眼睛的肌肉;為了精細的控制眼球)到1000 (存在於大肌肉之中,例如腓腸肌) 都有
●MVC:maximum voluntary contraction
●RMS:root mean square ,
●ARV:average rectified value ,
●MDF:median power spectral frequency
●MNF:mean power spectral frequency .
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The aim was to investigate with a novel technique the spatial inhomogeneity in surface mechanomyographic (MMG) response to muscle contraction at varying force levels. MMG signals were detected over the dominant tibialis anterior muscle of 10 volunteers using a 5×3 grid of accelerometers. The subjects performed 3 s long isometric contractions at forces ranging from 0% to 100% of the maximal force (10% increment) in a randomised order. From the two-dimensional MMG recordings, maps of absolute and normalized temporal and spectral MMG descriptors were obtained. The centroid and entropy of these maps were computed to describe the spatial centre of activity and degree of homogeneity, respectively. MMG absolute amplitude did not depend on location over the muscle while normalized amplitude did and the centroid shifted with increasing force. Amplitude increased with force and its entropy decreased. Absolute and normalized spectral variables depended on location over the muscle and their centroid shifted with increasing force. In addition, the dependency of absolute and normalized spectral variables on force was affected by location. These results highlight limitations when using single-channel MMG features for the assessment of motor unit control strategies, due to a substantial effect of position on the relation between force and MMG characteristics.